
Does Size Matter in Martial Arts?

Bigger isn’t necessarily better when it comes to martial arts training. Although height and weight may be advantageous in other sports, martial arts rely more on technique and therefore when choosing whether or not to learn the arts, your size should be irrelevant. 

All sizes can and should train martial arts to learn how they can effectively fight with their body type. Executing correctly and on point is what delivers victory over an opponent. Keep in mind too that training with people of all different sizes helps understand better what tactics to apply during an encounter. 

Now, power makes more of a difference than size does. Strength training and development gives you the energy, momentum and force to deliver faster strikes, stronger throws and sustain balance. Whether you’re short, tall, big or small, strength is more important than feet and inches. A small frame can develop the strength necessary to execute powerful techniques.

The nice thing about martial arts is that men, women, children, and seniors can all enjoy the physical benefits from an ancient sport and not be overly concerned about size playing a significant role in their ability to perform. Learning techniques and applying them comes from practice and dedication. For individuals who are studying martial arts for its health benefits and acquiring the self-defense skillset, size is irrelevant. 

In some techniques, it can even be beneficial to be smaller. The tallest person in the room may appear to be intimidating, but a smaller person can easily throw them off balance. 

It's also important to keep in mind that martial arts isn’t always about fighting and that means that you don’t have to dwell on your size. The health benefits that martial arts provide on a physical and mental level are tremendous. A complete range of motion and mental concentration require participants to exert energy on many levels which result improved muscle and aerobic conditioning. This has nothing to do with your size. 

Whether you’re 4’ nothing or 6’ something and you’re looking for a way to get fit, build strength, feel a sense of calm, and maybe even lose a few pounds along the way then martial arts is a great option for you. If you’re feeling self-conscious about numbers on the scale or the ones that say how small or tall you are, then martial arts is beyond a great option, it’s the perfect one. 

Now to answer the question: does size matter?

Yes. A larger opponent does have an advantage over a smaller one, but that is one of the most important reasons to train. The techniques taught in the martial arts are designed to help you overcome those disadvantages. We don't have any control over who may potentially attack us, and therefore training to overcome brute strength with technique is one of the most critical and most empowering aspects of training.